Sunday, 28 February 2010

PCC see sense, "divine intervention a definite possibility."

In shock news from St Geoffrey's a source who wishes to remain anonymous disclosed that the decades-old tradition of Car Boot Sales wasn't worth the effort of the declining number of folks who "wanted (their) Bank Holidays back".

Speaking upon guarantees of anonymity the vicar said "This is clearly a case of divine intervention, getting them to see the obvious in less than 10 years."

Maybe of even greater importance is the apparent manifestation of multiple Were-Lemmings faced with the approach of the next Annual Parochial Church Meeting. "Once one member of the council decided to go, now it appears many more are also jumping." The long-term implications of this phenomenon are far from clear. Rev'd Dr Andreas Alcine was heard to say it will either "Kill or cure" - while trying to hide what one parishioner described as "an evil smirk." Reports of cartwheels in the street and cries of "Chaplaincy here we come" have been strenuously denied by sources close to the Vicarage.

Monday, 22 February 2010

A Little Too Easy?

OK, my blogging has been woefully lacking of late, and even this is intended to be a quick one.

Regular readers may know that I have very definite plans for "career progression", which sounds far too managerial, suffice to say that I know where I want to go, what direction I should be going. That path is into Full-Time University Chaplaincy. It's an area where jobs can be highly-sought after, and highly-prized. I wouldn't call it an easy job and I would expect long hours and hard work.

All this means that the latest job advert I've seen has left me somewhat incredulous - an historic Oxford College, a regular pattern of Sunday and weekday worship (of rather traditional bent at present, boo hiss) Diocesan Scale stipend (£23k), "possible" housing allowance (since having children is an excluding factor for most accommodation), and this is what I find had to believe, a 35 hour week (averaged over the year) and 38 days off over the year including Bank Holidays. A Thirty-five hour week! To include Sunday worship! Pastoral care of 500 or so students and no more than 200 staff.

Am I tempted? At face value, absolutely - except that knowing me I'd be unable to work as little of 35 hours!