Monday, 4 July 2011

Low Tide

And so after the high there must be the low. I was in two minds when I was preparing for interview, and got progressively more positive and enthusiastic as time went by, although careful not to take it for granted and to try to be ready for a "no": after all there were four candidates. Despite all that, sleep hasn't been too good the last couple of nights.

Then this morning, "I'm sorry, but..." and the news that I wouldn't be going off for a new exciting Chaplaincy job next academic year. Feedback was good, and the news that in the end no-one had been appointed (the second successive time this has happened for me) brought some consolation, but not really, since as the job is for the benefit of others, a non-appointment is not so much a no-score draw as a loss for those being served, the students of the University.

So. Not only are we still here, but likely to remain so for another school year. On a positive note I must record that all things went very well on Sunday, with a noticeably younger congregation (amazing what the desire for Christenings does!). There are people we really could do with keeping, which would be beneficial to the work of the church here. Although that might not necessarily be to the benefit of their faith... Jesus ushered in a movement and we turned it into an institution. Maybe I need to just keep the institution of the parish ticking over, and get on with encouraging faith and new life in those who are showing signs of interest, even though they are from beyond my remit, so to speak. In which case I need more energy and enthusiasm... which I suppose is a prayer, in it's own way.

I have nothing against the town, either. GLW is happy here, and moving would have been hard for her, even if LMP is desperately excited at the idea of moving, while LM has only one real friend she'd miss at the moment. Perhaps it really is time to go and chat to NiceNew(is)Bishop...

I do need more structure, that's for certain. Anyway, I'm not sure what this will accomplish, if anything, so I'd better shut up.

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